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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The word is pathetic

I thought Spanish magazine Telva couldn't do it worst after having on its cover Claudia Schiffer's add for Accessorize. Yes, it sounds unbelievable, but it happened, look (I had already post about it):

Pens� que la revista espa�ola Telva no podr�a hacerlo peor despu�s de haber puesto en portada la misma foto del anuncio que Claudia Schiffer hizo para Accessorize. Suena incre�ble, pero sucedi� realmente (de hecho ya hab�a hecho un post sobre el tema).

If you usually read this blog, you'll know Gisele is my favourite model. Today I was walking on the street, and I saw her on the Telva cover one more time, so I couldn't avoid buying it (knowing it would be bad, of course). Arriving home I thought, mmm, that dress she is wearing on the cover looks familiar... mmmmm, yes, it was the dress she was wearing in Ibiza (Spain) the last time she was here! She didn't change her dress for the shoting (maybe it was not even a shot). I am speechless...
Si le�is este blog a menudo sabr�is de sobra que mi modelo favorita hoy en d�a es Gisele. Un d�a m�s, viniendo de clase (para mi mala suerte) pas� al lado de la decena de quioscos que hay entre la Uni y mi casa, y ah� estaba ella en esa portada. Sab�a que la revista era mala, pero no pude evitar comprarla. En cuanto la tuve en mis manos vi que el vestido me resultaba familiar... claro! era el vestido que llevaba Gisele cuando vino a Ibiza! Es decir, ni siquiera se cambi� de ropa para la sesi�n (si a�n puede llamarse as�). En fin, me quedo sin palabritas...

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