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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Maxi dresses, reasons why


I am sure all of you know what I am about to say, but maxi dresses is the must of this summer, at least the period of transition between spring and summer. Hippy trend is here, and maxi dresses are its reincarnation.
They are perfect because:
-if you are not tanned, nodoby can appreciate it
-if your legs are not Heidi's, doesn't matter
-if you are short, heels are hidden
-if your stomach isn't exactly a table, who cares?

For all these reasons, and so many more, maxi dresses are just the perfect garment.



Estoy segura de que todos sab�is de sobra lo que estoy a punto de decir, pero los maxi-vestidos son LA tendencia de transici�n primavera-verano. Lo hippy es lo que manda, y los maxi-vestidos son su reencarnaci�n.

Son perfectos porque:

-si tus piernas transparentan, nadie lo va a notar
-si tus piernas no son las de Heidi Klum, tampoco
-si eres bajita, puedes ponerte taconazos, y el vestido los tapa
-si tu est�mago no vive los mejores tiempos... tampoco se nota!!

Malene Birger

Les Petites

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