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Friday, May 9, 2008

Discord's dress

This post is not only about fashion but also about friendship. Today is the "degree-party" of a friend of mine. All her classmates would be there. Most of the girls will wear dresses, but she prefers pants and she also thinks wearing a dress is male chauvinist, so she is wearing a pant-suit. She's strong enough to wear a pantsuit even knowing the rest of girls probably will wear dresses. I'd prefer a dress, I think it's more femenine, more flattering, and for this kind of event, I can't see any other posibility, obviously it does not mean there are not more options. That is why I am doing this post, because pantsuits could be a cool option for night, you just need to find the perfect one. What do you think?

Este post no va m�s de amistad que de moda. Hoy una amiga m�a tiene el acto de licenciatura y muy en contra de mi voluntad va a ir en traje pantal�n. Seguramente el resto de chicas ir� en vestido, pero como ella tiene personalidad para eso y para m�s, pues va en pantal�n. Yo tambi�n ir�a en vestido, m�s que nada porque creo que es la opci�n que m�s favorece y que es m�s femenina, y porque tambi�n soy cuadriculada, bodas, bautizos, comuniones y actos de licenciatura para m� son sin�nimos de vestido/falda. Mi amiga, llam�mosla B., cree que es muy machista tener que llevar falda y obviamente no est� de acuerdo con mi pensamiento. Como para muchas s� que es una opci�n, aqu� os dejo unas cuantas fotos, el truco es encontrar el traje perfecto. �Qu� pens�is?

You always can look good in a pantsuit. Here, Charlize Theron (Dior Homme).

Angelina Jolie in D&G

Jennifer L�pez in only God's knows... maybe Cavalli? but I don't know

My friend, she is a bit shy so better not showing her face;)!

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