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Sunday, March 8, 2009

This is Spain

While in Spain we are still discussing if Francisco Rivera, a bullfighter, deserved the Fine Arts Medal awarded by the Ministry of Culture, Jos� Castro is begging for a help that never comes. He may not be able to show another collection next season because he has no means. He cannot afford to show his collection in Paris and two weeks ago he presented his marvellous collection , Redrum, in Madrid. The government is giving subventions for many enterprises who are affected by the recession, when would come some money for the artists? How many exiled fashion genious -Balenciaga, Manolo Blahn�k- do they need to realise?

Mientras en Espa�a seguimos discutiendo si Francisco Rivera se merec�a o no la medalla de Bellas Artes, Jos� Castro sigue implorando una ayuda que nunca llega. Hace unos d�as anunci� que quiz�s la pr�xima temporada no pueda presentar una nueva colecci�n ya que no tiene medios suficientes. No puede permitirse presentar su colecci�n en Par�s, y por eso este a�o mostr� su maravillosa colecci�n "Redrum" -que seg�n confes� cre� en solo un mes- en Madrid. El gobierno est� dando subvenciones a diestro y siniestro porque todos estamos afectados por la crisis, pero �cu�ndo habr� dinero para los artistas? �Cu�ntos genios de la moda exiliados -Balenciaga, Manolo Blahn�k- necesitan para darse cuenta?

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