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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Dinner Date Outfit with Hubby

It's been a bit of a struggle for me to post as often as usual since I've been working on paying off my credit card, my laptop died, though I replaced a few months later with a Mac, and because I lost my photo editing software and can't afford to buy it again. Phew! It's tough to get in the mood to shop when you're trying to save every penny to get rid of stupid debt!

The good news is that I paid off my credit card (Yay!), but the new bad news (bad for shopping) is that we're saving for a house, so I'm still going to have to be tight on finances. I know I can still get some good shopping in on a budget, so I'm hoping to rekindle my love of bargain shopping.

Hubby and I went out for a simple date night a couple weekends ago so I got a little dressed up but not too much.

I got to wear some new booties I purchased recently. I almost wore skinny jeans so I could show off the shoes more, but I didn't feel them that night. At least you guys can see them. :)

Jeans - Banana Republic
Tank Top - Forever 21
Sweater - Ann Taylor Loft
Booties - Forgot the brand...will have to update later

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