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Saturday, August 16, 2008

ladies and gentlemen, i give you.....

...the cast of the sony rolly video (previous post). as some people asked me about the who's who of the people in the film i thoght i'd give a little run-down on what everybody does in real life. since this was a no-budget project everyone particpated just for the hell of it which is probably why we had so much fun in the end. well that and the bucket of pimm's i had prepared.

this is suzie g, or as i like to call her - the bomb! this girl's moves were homegrown in philly, pennsylvania, where she's originally from. suzie is also part of the street fashion possy with her blog click/clash

adam is only sweet 18 but is strutting his stuff like a big girl. believe me, i tried walking in those margiela shoes and it was not happening. (facebook name: adam a la folie)

dominic, a true bohemian and one of my favorite non-model models on the block.

miss katja koggelmann not only has the most amusing last name, she is also my cherished housemate. she got pregnant with a pillow especially for this shoot. she went into labour later that day. both mother and pillow are well off.

meghan clancy here is originally from canada. she was kind enough to help me out with the shoot after i had only met her days before at a club. she's an actress - how conveniant.

rowan hand not only has the name of a potential comic caracter, he also dressed up like one for this project, or don't you think that he looks very dick tracy? love his dance moves, i think he should get those patented.

pelin is a lovely singer/songwriter from berlin who's moved to london around the same time as i have. check out her myspace.

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