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Friday, July 18, 2008

Fashion Phonetics by Elle UK

How well do you know your designers?

There are many International designers on the fashion scene and sure enough, some of the names take some thinking about before pronouncing.

Well, thanks to 'Elle Magazine UK's Fashion phonetics' we can now confidently talk about our favourite designers without being corrected.

Here are some names that you might be familiar with. I have also taken the liberty to put face to name where possible.

Lanvin: lon-van

Marchesa: mar-key-sa

Moschino: moss-key-no

Loewe: low-ev-aye

Erotokritos: er-otto-crete-us

Herve Leger: her-vay le-j-air

Hermes: er-mez

Avsh alom gur: av-sha-lom-gurr

Burberry Prorsum: burr-berry p-roar-sum

Giambattista Valli: gee-yam-bat-easter var-lee

Mawi: m-oy

Comptoirs des Cottoniers: con-twar day cot-on-yay

Pauric Sweeney: pore-ig swee-knee

Giuseppe Zanotti: ji-sep-ee za-not-ee

Gianfranco Ferre: gee-anne-franko fair-er

Thakoon: ta-coon

Rei Kawakubo: ray ka-wa-coo-bo and founder of Comme des Garcons: com day gar-s-on

Charles Anastase: charles anna - stars

Irina Lazareanu: eye-re-na la-za-ray-nu

Coco Rocha: co-co rosh-ah

Alexa Adams and Flora Gill are the designers behind Ohne Titel: own-er teet-al

Roksanda Illincic: rok-san-der ill-in-ch-itch

Mark Eley and Wakako Kishimoto are behind label Eley Kishimoto: eel-ee kish-ee-mow-toe

Miuccia Prada: moo-chi-a pra-da

Andrew Gn: an-drew jen

Sonia Rykiel: son-ya rick-eel

Azzedine Alaia: az-a-dean a-lie-ya

Jean Charles de Castelbajac: je-on sh-arl de cass-tell-bar-yak

Marios Schwab: ma-ree-os shh-wab

Hussein Chalayan: who-sain sha-lie-on

Balenciaga: bal-en-see-aga (a young Balenciaga, born on January 21, 1895 and died March 23, 1972 aged 87)

Rodarte: row-dart-ay by sisters Kate and Laura Mulleavy

Stuart Weitzman: stew-ert wise-man

Spijkers en Spijkers: spike-ers 'n' spike-ers

Sophia Kokosalaki: so-fia coco-sa-la-ki

Proenza Schouler: pro-n-sa shoe-ler

Nicolas Ghesquiere: nicola guess-key-air

Narciso Rodriguez: nar-see-so rod-re-gez

John Paul Gaultier: john-paul go-tea-air

Ines van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin: in-ez van lambs-veard and vee-nude matt-a-din

Hedi Slimane: eddie slim-arn

Consuelo Castglioni: con-sway-low cass-till-e-an-ee

Alber Elbaz: al-bear el-baz

Osman Yousefzada: oz-man you-sef-zar-der

Agyness Deyn: ag-ness dean

Doutzen Kroes: doubt-zin cruise (Dutch Super Model)

So be in the know and do not embarrass yourself and get caught out with pronounciations.

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