Just a word: dissappointing. This is funny because I will stay a month in Paris but I am not going to come inside Colette. Obviously not because I don't want, but because they are closed. They will be almost two months closed. It is so annoying. What can I say? They have the right to close whenever they want, but I think is a total lack of respect for the tourists and visitors who want to see this innovative shop. -It is kind of ironic but they are innovative even in the way they close, because I don't think any shop on Earth has closed during almost two months before-.
Here you got the picture of the main door: -close until 25 of August-
No me puedo creer que vaya a estar un mes en Paris y no vaya a ver Colette, pero la vida es dura y estas cosas siempre me pasan a mi... Hace un par de dias fuimos hasta Colette y ya veis lo aue nos encontramos; la tienda estara cerrada hasta el 25 de agosto. Se ve que las rebajas ni los turistas son lo suyo; y yo creo sinceramente que es una falta de respeto cerrar durante casi dos meses, pero bueno; cada uno hace con su tienda lo que quiere. Recordad, si venis a Paris antes del 25 de agosto; no os molesteis.
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