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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

BPR Interview with Epperson

Jes is back with Epperson. Thank you!

BPR - How was your overall experience on the show different from what you imagined it would be like?

Epperson- It happened so fast I DIDN�T really imagine what it would be like. I never even thought about trying out before, I didn�t think I would be interested. But someone suggested I audition, and so I did and here I am.

BPR - Do you think that being the most seasoned contestant on the show affected your success.

Epperson - I think that I dealt with the pressure better because I�ve had more time to deal with people in that age group. I have a son the same age as most of the designers and I work at H&M. I got a lot of respect, but mostly because I was warm to everyone. I had a fatherly image.

BPR - Do you feel that you made / will remain friends with the majority of the designers you competed with?

Epperson - The reason we�re all able to be friends is because it took so long for this season to come on tv. If it had aired right after filming, some of the designers might have much different feelings about each other. It will be interesting to see how that changes once the show is on.

BPR - Which of the head judges do you feel offered the most useful feedback?

Epperson - None in particular. One of the guest judges said �Just do what you do, it�s genius. Just do that.�

BPR - What one thing do you think has or will be most beneficial to you in branding your line?

Epperson - The fact that my style is consistent. I started doing deconstruction way before most other American designers. I experiment a lot with different fabrics, treatments and textures. I mix prints. People can expect these things from me as a designer.

BPR - What message would you like to relay to the viewers, in anticipation of the premiere?

Epperson - The audience should expect it to be fresh. It�s a fresh outlook on PR, but with the same energy. It�s more approachable.

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