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Sunday, November 4, 2007

Michael Kors Patent Sandal

Oh my gosh!!! I saw these today while researching what purse I might get with my bonus this year and after browsing away from the Koobas I was originally eyeing, I found this:

Michael Kors Patent Sandal - $395

Now, I know I'm supposed to be paying off my credit card and all, but my shopaholicism is kicking into high gear and I'm fighting the urge to grab my credit card and make a run to Neimans. I've been looking for a pair of shoes with a style similar to this ever since I saw a pair along these lines over on The Sartorialist. What do you think? C'est chic, non?

Ok, after taking a look at Carine's photo again, I realize that I kind of wanted shoes more like hers, i.e. not patent and slighly more "chunky", but they are still really beautiful shoes. Maybe I should go try them on? You know...for fun. I would only bring my credit card with me b/c it's already in my purse...not b/c I intended to actually consider buying them...yeaaaaaaa...that's right.

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