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Friday, October 5, 2007

Gisele Bundchen Down Under

Gisele Bundchen is in Australia this week promoting her Impanema Footwear Collection. During her stay she visited various tourist spots including a Wildlife Sanctuary where she got friendly with our little native Koalas.

Gisele wore a casual grey knit, jeans, extra long scarf, rugged hair and some cool sunglasses during her visit to the Melbourne sanctuary.

Oh and if your wondering why you can't see her legs in any of these pics, is because i cut them off (not literally)...because...well...Gisele has legs to die for...and i wanted to spare you all that pain ( i know, I'm considerate aren't I?)
Little Gisele Trivia: When Gisele first entered the modelling scene, she was faced with immense pressure to have a nose job as it was considered to big. However, after consulting with her father, she refused to under go the procedure, and now Gisele's nose is one of the most requested looks for those undergoing rhinoplasty. Just goes to show...always listen to your parents!

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