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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Victoria Beckham Top Fansite Shuts Down

One of the highest rated, most viewed and up to date Victoria Beckham blog is shutting down. The Blog owner, Vlada who also writes for other fashion websites has stated on her blog that she "fallen out of love with Victoria's style, which is the reason I fell in love with her so long ago. I can no longer support her, so it would be unfair to continue this blog."

This came as a shock to many, as this site would never say a bad word about Victoria no matter how bad her outfit, clothing collection or excessive behaviour is. Many comments on the site also stated that Victoria Beckham's move to the U.S has prompted her to act like a fashion victim, by making sure she has the biggest Hermes Bag collection, the most expensive Jackets and the most expensive celebrity fashion collection. Others said that everything she does seems to be calculated, fake and revolves around shopping, shopping and more shopping.

So while Victoria Beckham is going around shopping for more Hermes bags and trying to own the $10,000 Balmain jackets before anyone else, she is slowly loosing the fans she once had.

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