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Thursday, April 9, 2009

Spring Day Suit - Blue + White

I think there may be some rule about not wearing white yet or something, but rules are meant to be broken, right? I've become an avid weather-report-watcher over the years and always check the weather before getting dressed or selecting an outfit for the day. Today's weather report called for a lovely, sunny, warm 70 degree F day, so I was feeling white pants.

Although the weather outside was supposed to be quite warm, I knew the "weather" inside my office would be another story, so I added as many layers to my outfit as I could fit.

I started with a simple, blue, top from a recent shopping this at the BR outlet for around $20! I also added this lightweight scarf that I found on the sale rack at BR for a mere $7...down from like $50!

Then, I added a Gap cardi...

...then a BR blazer to match the pants! I always try to get matching blazers to pants if I can afford's so nice to be able to wear a full suit to work sometimes. I'll always regret not getting the suit jacket that matches my fave ever dress pants from J Crew.

Sadly, nearly this entire outfit, except the cardi, but including the shoes, is from BR. As much as I love BR, I really prefer to mix up different brands a bit more...gonna have to work on shopping in some new stores this season!

Still, the cool, crisp white seemed to be the right color for the wonderful weather we had today. Good thing I wore my white pants's supposed to rain tomorrow!

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