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Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Note From Tim Gunn!

Season Six: What's fabulous about it is our backdrop: Los Angeles. In fact, it's more than a backdrop; we fully embrace the city. During our first days of taping, I was reminded that for the first half of the last century, Los Angeles, and Hollywood more specifically, was THE fashion capital of this nation. It was the burgeoning film industry that inspired people about how they wanted to dress. For example, Gilbert Adrian, the head of costume design at MGM, launched a ready-to-wear line in response to the fervor for his designs. During those early decades, New York fashion was all about copying Europe; New York didn't possess the creative thinking that Hollywood embodied. It wasn't until the couture houses in Paris closed during WWII that American fashion began to ascend, with Claire McCardell and Norman Norell leading the pack.

Back to Los's the home of the television and film industries, costume design, and the red carpet. What better incubator is there for fashion?

Season Six also has a considerable enhancement: "Models of the Runway," a companion piece to Project Runway. Content is shared across both shows, so ardent, insatiable viewers will have to see both in order to get their full dose of all things Runway!

Isn't it fabulous that we can all talk about it, again?!?!?!


(Photo by Scott Gries/Getty Images for IMG)

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