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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Is that all?

Not long ago I read that Japoneses cover their books with opaque paper because they do not want people in the public transports to see what they are reading. Curious, I thought. Yesterday evening, while I was travelling by train, the people who surrounded me were craning their necks to see what I was reading. -I was laughing a lot- and I thought, maybe is a good idea to have the books covered. However, Japoneses' fashion style is more than evident. I have always admired Japonese people for their special fashion sensitivity, you can love it or hate it, but everyone is awared of it. In such a individual society like ours, I could not help but wonder, is getting noticed the ultimate point of fashion?

No hace mucho le� que los japoneses forran sus libros con papel totalmente opaco para que nadie pueda ver el t�tulo de lo que est�n leyendo en el transporte p�blico. Curioso, pens�. Ayer por la tarde, mientras viajaba en el tren, notaba como la gente de mi alrededor intentaba ver lo que estaba leyendo -me estaba riendo todo seguido- y pens�, "mmm, quiz�s forrar los libros no es tan mala idea". Sin embargo, su estilo a la hora de vestirse es m�s que evidente. Siempre he admirado a los japoneses por esa sensibilidad tan especial que tienen para la moda, puedes amarla o odiarla, pero todo el mundo es consciente de ella. Y quiz�s en una sociedad tan individualista como la nuestra, hacerse notar es el fin �ltimo de la moda.

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