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Saturday, June 14, 2008


Some people should follow the advice of the pink t-shirt. Maybe a must for this summer...

Algunas deber�an seguir el consejo de la camiseta rosa. quiz�s un must para este verano...

Oysho- "Rely on your favourite stylist"

Capuccino Bar and Couture Carrie have tagged me last week, but I had exams and I couldn't answer the tagging thing before. So here you are.

Rules: Post rules at the beginning of the post. Answer all the questions, Tag 5 people, go to their blog and leave a comment to inform them that they've been tagged and asking them to read your blog for rules. Let the person who tagged you know when you've posted your answers.

1) What were you doing 10 years ago?
Going to school and playing basketball all the time.

1) Qu� estabas haciendo hace 10 a�os?
Yendo a la escuela y jugando a baloncesto todo el tiempo

2) What are 5 things on your to-do list today?
1. sleep more (I go out to celebrate the end of exams and I am sooo tired)
2. going out for diner with some friends
3. playing basketball
4. Blogging and read your lovely posts
5. talk with a friend about her lovely travel to Paris

2) qu� 5 cosas tienes que hacer hoy?
Dormir m�s, que ayer sal� y estoy rota, ir a cenar por ah� con unos amigos, jugar a baloncesto, bloguear y leer vuestros nuevos posts, y lo mejor, que una amiga me acabe de contar su maravilloso viaje a Paris

3) Snacks you enjoy:

chocolate bars - especially during exams, I am kind of addict to it-

3)Snacks que disfrutas
las chocolatinas de chocolate -empiezo a pensar que soy adicta-.

4) Places you have lived:

Spain and UK

4) lugares en los que has vivido:
Espa�a y UK

5) What are 5 things you would do if you were a billionaire?
1. never again look at the tags of the clothes to see how much they are and buy Haute Couture
2. probably found my own fashion magazine, and try to make people understand fashion is not as frivolous as they think
3. travel and travel and travel
4. buy houses in NYC, London, Paris and Milan to go there to watch the catwaks and shopping
5. try to make some programme in poor countries to teach them how to use the resources they have to make their lives better, and to avoid bad Western people steal them -like petrol and so-.

5) Qu� cinco cosas har�as si fueras billonario
1. Nunca m�s mirar las etiquetas de la ropa para mirar los precios y comprar Alta Costura como una loca
2. fundar mi propia revista de moda, e intentar hacer entender a la gente que la moda no es tan fr�vola como ellos piensan
3. viajar, viajar, y viajar
4. comprarme apartamentos en NYC, Londres, Par�s y Mil�n para ir a los desfiles y de shopping y tener donde quemarme.
5. intentar crear un programa de ayuda a los pa�ses subdesarrollados para que aprovecharan mejor sus propios recursos y no sean explotados

6) People you want to know more about:
This is very difficult because at the moment I read more than 5 blogs that I'd like to know more about, so please, if you haven't done this before and you read my blog, just do it!

6) Gente de la que quieras saber m�s
Es muy dif�cil elegir porque leo muchos m�s de cinco blogs de los que querr�a saber m�s, as� que, si lees esto y no lo has hecho antes, an�mate y hazlo!

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