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Friday, June 13, 2008

Go Metro with Andrae Gonzalo

Los Angeles-based Field Reporter Christine Haynes covered the "Go Metro" dance performance for BPR. Thanks Christine!

Last Saturday I went to see Project Runway Season 2's Andrae Gonzalo perform Go Metro . . . at the Highways Performance Space in Santa Monica. The timing couldn't have been better, as my mom was in town for the long weekend, and she is a super Project Runway fan, so she was really excited to meet Andrae.

So off we went, and it was so great! Andrae, and a cast of about 6 others performed a series of really funny dance/performances all about the joys and pains of taking public transportation in LA. Afterwards, we went to meet Andrae, and he graciously posed for a photo with us. He was extremely genuine and sweet. And we met his mom, who we ended up sitting next to during the performance. She was lovely as well.

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