Okay� help me out here. I�m totally torn between hating and loving this challenge. Is it possible to do both? I had assumed that I would HATE everything about this episode, honestly I can�t think of anything tackier than WWE costumes except for maybe actual stripper wear, but it turned out to be entertaining and had some good results.
So now the question is; do you think �America�s next top designer� can be determined with a challenge like this (imagine if one of your favorites went home over this challenge, for me that would have been Rami getting sent home over that awful pink thing)? Or, do you think a challenge like this actually helps determine who the best designer is because it shows that they have range and can produce something great even with a ticky-tacky challenge like this?
Ugh, I still can�t decide�
So now the question is; do you think �America�s next top designer� can be determined with a challenge like this (imagine if one of your favorites went home over this challenge, for me that would have been Rami getting sent home over that awful pink thing)? Or, do you think a challenge like this actually helps determine who the best designer is because it shows that they have range and can produce something great even with a ticky-tacky challenge like this?
Ugh, I still can�t decide�
Click here to continue reading Katy's take as she takes a closer look at each of the designs from "Raw Talent".
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