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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Grey Gardens

I have joined the long list of professionals who are out of work, and signed on at the job centre this morning. I couldn't help but ear-wig on some of the conversations taking place, whilst being made to wait (again!) I was surprised at the number of creative people from the art world applying for job seekers allowance. I followed a one-armed drunk lady in the most hideously tight vest-thing into the centre (honestly), but when I got inside the people were actually quite pleasant. I shouldn't be surprised with the current economic climate, but I've definitely learnt to not judge!

Anyway, as one job dies another is born...I HAVE A NEW JOB. It's not due to start for another month, however it's a very exciting opportunity and it will be a promotion from my old position. I won't say too much yet as I don't want to jinx things, but bring it on!!!

Whilst out and about this morning, casually strolling around Shoreditch and Hoxton, I popped into my favourite book shop on Rivington Street - Artworlds. Not only does it stock a brilliant selection of books, it also has a hugely extensive selection of fashion magazines; titles which you won't be able to find at Borders.

Until now I have not had an opinion about magazines printing their issues with multiple covers - I have no interest in collecting each cover, I simply chose the one I like the best. Today though I got caught out and bought 125 magazine, even though when I got home I realised I had the same magazine but with the alternative cover. Doh! More fool me I guess, but really publishers- what is the point?

125 features a beautiful editorial inspired by the hotly anticipated remake of the 1975 documentary Grey Gardens. If anyone knows when the film is released in the UK, please tell me as I cannot find the info anywhere online.

'Some women can conjure elegance and panache with very little, turning the most mundane of items into couture. Whether that takesp place in an African township or a tumbledown New York mansion isn't important, the vision is.'

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