As a rule, I don't like to 'steal' posts from another blogger. When I take time out to visit blogs I like to read new stories and discover new designers and gems, rather than re-reading the same information and seeing the same imagery on every blog. However, this is going to be the second time this week I have effectively stolen content from fashion156. This illustrators work is so completely stunning that I could not just let it pass me, or you, by.
I have to draw clothes for my day-to-day job, but on a technical rather than artistic level, so I know how difficult it can be to get garments to look exactly how you want them to on paper. I very rarely draw the woman that the clothes are being worn by, so faces and hands are the notoriously alien area that I try to avoid at all costs. It is here that I introduce you to Cedric Rivrain. Fashion Illustrator extraordinaire, and a true talent at capturing the beauty of a model and her garment, armed with a simple lead pencil and a few colours to match.
I would love to sit down with Cedric and get some good advice about how he creates such beautiful drawings, and have a chat about his techniques. A tip I will definitely be trying out for myself though is his use of coloured/textured papers and white colouring pencil for highlighting areas. It works really well, and when mixed with using abstract colours on the skin it creates a wonderfully dramatic illustration. All of the above combined with his innovative 'face plasters', to me, is almost perfection.
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