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Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Inditex (Industry of Textile Design) is one of the biggest fashion's distribution groups on the planet. It has more than 4.000 shops in 71 different countries all around the world, including Europe, America, Africa and Asia. It must be true the rumor that Spanish names are not recommended for a business, because Inditex has eight different shops -Zara, Massimo Dutti, Oysho, Stradivarius, Berskha, Pull&Bear, Zara Home and Uterq�e- and despite being a Spanish business, none of them has a Spanish name. The first Zara shop opened its doors in 1975 in La Coru�a -northern Spain-.

Ver mapa m�s grande

Last year the net benefit was 1250 millions of euros. In the last campaign they presented more than 30.000 different garments, which are designed by 300 designers -200 of them only work for Zara-. For the design they got inspired by trends and also by the reports they received about the people in their shops.
The founder and current president of Inditex is Amancio Ortega. He is the richest man in Spain, the third in Europe (only after Ikea's owner, Ingvar Kamprad, and Bernard Arnault, owner of LVMH- and the eighth in the world. His business is not suffering from recession, in fact, is healthier than ever. In the first semester of 2008 he has sold a 14% more than in the same in 2007. Have you heard that Inditex opens at least a shop every single day? Yes, it was totally right. From the first of February to the 31 of July of this year they opened 249 shops, so in 182 days, they have opened 249, what it's 1,36 shop-opening per day. In 2007 Inditex inaugurated 560 shops -441 of them in international territory- what means last year they opened 1,53 shops per day.
Ortega is about to retired, and his daughter will be the natural heiress. Her name is Marta and you can see a post about her here. Her dad knows how hard is getting something -he came from a humble family- and she was told to work as a shop-assistant in Inditex shops in Paris, London and Shangai. In this way, he pretends she learn her future job from the very beginning.
Taking into account all these figures, I don't get how they have spent so much time updating the Zara website -their flagship's shop-!

Websites of Inditex brands:

Inditex (Industria de Dise�o Textil) es uno de los grupos de distribuci�n de moda a escala mundial m�s grandes. Cuenta con m�s de 4.000 establecimientos en 71 pa�ses distrubuidos por la geograf�a de Am�rica, Asia, Europa y �frica. Debe ser verdad aquello que dicen de que lo espa�ol no vende, porque Inditex, adem�s de Zara, tiene otras tiendas, todas ellas camufladas bajo nombres de apariencia italiana (Massimo Dutti, Stradivarius) o inglesa (Berskha, Oysho, Pull & Bear) as� como Zara Home y Uterq�e. La primera tienda de Zara abri� sus puertas en 1975 en La Coru�a.

El a�o pasado el beneficio neto de Inditex fue de 1250 millones de euros. La �ltima campa�a estuvo conformada por m�s de 30.000 prendas diferentes, que dise�an m�s de 300 dise�adores -de los cuales 200 se dedican a dise�ar para Zara exclusivamente-. Para el dise�o se inspiran en las tendencias de la temporada, as� como en la informaci�n de los clientes que les llega desde la tienda.
El fundador y presidente del grupo Inditex es Amancio Ortega. �l es el hombre m�s rico de Espa�a, el tercero m�s rico de Europa -solo por detr�s del due�o de Ikea, el sueco Ingvar Kamprad- y del propietario de la sociedad de art�culos de lujo LVMH, el franc�s Bernard Arnault, y es el octavo hombre m�s rico del mundo. A Ortega la crisis econ�mica no le ha afectado ni de pasada, ya que en el primer semestre del 2008 ha vendido un 14% m�s que en el mismo per�odo del 2007. �Alguna vez has o�do que Inditex abre al menos una tienda cada d�a? Pues es cierto, ya que las ocho cadenas comerciales de Inditex han abierto 249 tiendas entre el 1 de febrero y el 31 de julio de este a�o, es decir, en 182 d�as, lo que supone 1,36 establecimientos por d�a. En el ejercicio de 2007 el grupo Inditex inaugur� 560 nuevas tiendas, -441 de ellas en mercados internacionales-, lo que significa la apertura de 1,53 tiendas al d�a.

Ortega est� ya en edad de jubilarse, y le est� pasando poco a poco las riendas del negocio a su hija Marta, de la que ya se public� aqu� un post. Como Amancio sabe lo que es trabajar y nada de lo que le tiene le cay� del cielo, "oblig�" a su hija a comenzar desde abajo, y actualmente Marta est� trabajando de dependienta en alguna tienda en Londres, Par�s o Shangai, los tres sitios que hab�a previsto su padre.

The right answer for yesterday's question was Zara.
La respuesta correcta a la pregunta de ayer era Zara.
Sources: inditex&forbes
pics: websites of the different shops

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