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Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Ethics of Ondo Lady

One of the things that came out of the Evolving Influence IFB Conference was the ethics that are employed by bloggers worldwide. When I started this blog in 2007 the idea was to produce an online portfolio of my writing work so I could have something to refer people to. During that time blogging was just something people did in their spare time and even though a few bloggers were getting small bits of media coverage it was nothing compared to the way it is now. Today the whole world is looking at bloggers to see what they do next. London Fashion Trends is a blog that covers pop culture in the form of books, films, TV. music. fashion and magazines. How I work is that if I see something that I like the souind of and I think it fits into the remit of my blog I will send an email to the relative PR asking for a review copy. If I get it, great buit if I don't no problem, I will simply head over to amazon to buy it. No matter whether the item is purchased or gifted to me I will write exactly what I think of the product. If it is rubbish I will say so and why I think it rubbish and vice versa if it is great. Some bloggers choose not to review a product if they have had a bad experience because they do not feel the need to be negative. Well that is their decision and I respect that but that is not how I operate; if I have a bad expereince with a product then I will say so. In terms of advertising, apart from a partnership with Glam (which I am ditching very soon) there are no adverts on my blog. This is because this is an area that I need to work on in order to find the right deal for me. However, I do not do sponsored posts or sell hyperlinks simply because I feel it cheapens the blog and puts my impartiality at risk. The one thing I will be changing coming forward is mentioning when an item has been suppied to me by a PR so my readers know where they stand. I like to think that I operate with the utmost integrity as most bloggers do however if you feel I haven't been then please feel free to drop me an email. Well that is all from me folks on The Ethics of Ondo Lady.

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