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Sunday, September 6, 2009

Where is Manolo?

I had promised to myself not to post anything about Sex and the City Movie II. Not only because it is going to spoil (again) the magic of the tv series, but also because everyone knows everything about it. However, I couldn't help it. I was checking the photos of the shooting the fashion spot, when I saw this. I was horrified because I could only see Louboutin's shoes in all the photos (at this point Fashion is the only thing I care for in this movie). Where is my beloved Manolo Blahn�k?? Is he gone? Or just appears in the indoors sequences? Hopefully...

Aunque me promet� a m� misma no postear sobre la segunda parte de Sexo en NY, no solo porque para m� con estas pel�culas han estropeado la serie (supongo que la segunda parte ser� a�n m�s mala que la primera) sino tambi�n porque a estas alturas todos lo sabemos todo sobre Sexo en NY. Sin embargo, no lo pude evitar. Me encontraba por The Fashion Spot, viendo fotos sobre la pel�cula y observ� con horror como todo eran Louboutins (o cosas peores, como lo de la foto de arriba). �D�nde esta mi adorado Blahn�k? �Habr�n pasado de �l? Espero que lo reserven para las escenas de interiores...
*photos: thefashionspot

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