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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Tim Gunn Wants to see Nina in Neoprene

Photo: USAToday

Tim Gunn is determined to win Ra'mon's dress at auction because he wants to give it to Nina Garcia.

"I was stunned by the editing of the Thursday show," says Gunn, who doesn't see the episodes until they air. "To be perfectly blunt with you, the storyline as I was living the show was that Ra'mon was going home�that he and Mitchell were BOTH going home," Gunn told USA TODAY's Cindy Clark in an interview... to chat up his new comic, Loaded Gunn. "Then you see on the show that Ra'mon is dyeing the garment in the sink. That's after I made him take it out of the toilet, which he said he was using because it had a deeper basin. He was desperate to get some dye on it."

"On the runway, the deliberation went on and on, with no one in Ra'mon's camp other than Nina. She was intent upon Ra'mon winning based on innovation. Heidi was like, 'Who would wear that?' and Nina firmly said, 'I would!'

This makes the auction WAY more interesting....

Check out the full story here.

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