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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Clerkenwell Vintage Fashion Fair

I went to check out the Clerkenwell Vintage Fashion Fair today, and I've been debating (with myself) whether to post about it or not....but what the heck. If I'm honest, it's not really my bag. I thought it would be filled with vintage treasures and delights which would fill some kind of void in my life. It was however, a bit of a time-warp back to the 1950s. I don't want to slag it off as it was really well done, but as I said...just not my bag! There I was wondering around, taking in all the prom dresses, glittery cardigans and broches galore, snapping a few pictures here and there to post on this here blog when I got told-off. Someone actually told me off for taking pictures?! At a vintage fair. Are you scared I'm going to copy your hugely unique vintage dresses? PPft! I need to stop talking as I can see where this post is going...if you're a vintage fan, you should definately check out this bi-monthly event. However, if like me you love unique vintage garments, I'd stick with Bang Bang in Soho, and Battersea car bootsale for those dirt cheap nic-naks we all need in our life.

I did manage to sneak in the odd picture though...I wanted this BEAUTifully cut vintage Thierry Mugler suit. It's pure perfection. I obviously couldn't wear it, but just to say that I owned it would keep me happy for the rest of my days.

Saw this beautiful illustration/grafitti/murial thingy on the way home, walking through Rivington Street in Shoreditch. Lush yeah?

BTW - Paris competition ends tonight, and follow this twit on twatter.

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