It's been a while now since I've posted about art (or anything other than fashion to be honest) - this is criminal in my head. It's so easy to get whirled up in the world of fashion, and forget what else goes on around you. As a creative it is SO important to take a step back from fashion and look elsewhere for ideas and inspiration, but even if you're not looking directly, subconsciously you soak up ideas. Whether my lack of 'inspiration' posts is due to my moving house/job hunting/only-having-time-to-research-things-needed-to-aid-portfolio-development, I'm not quite sure but I'm getting back on it!
Whilst stealing a bit of time from work yesterday I came across the work of New York based artist Tara Donovan. Organic, animate, biological, biodegradable and original are all adjectives you could use to describe her contemporary, yet utterly unoffensive artwork.
The textures she creates are amazing, all out of recyclable objects (which seems very poignant with the credit crunch and recession looming over all of us). My favourite has to be the Styrofoam cups glued together forming a cloud on the ceiling of the gallery. This is something I'm tempted to try myself, but maybe on a smaller scale!
All images from Ace Gallery.
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