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Monday, October 13, 2008

Starling/Aksiniya Collaboration

It always baffles me - the extreme kindness and generosity which exists in the blogosphere. In a good way that is...I regularly read about how Susie Bubble has received a lovely surprise cage skirt in the post, or how Queen Michelle of Kingdom of Style has found some new leggings laying on her doormat, but I've never found myself at the receiving end of such kindness. Until now that is. The lovely Aksiniya, of artaksiniya approached me a few weeks back about doing some drawings of my work. I am a massive fan of hers and have followed her blog for a while now, so I was thrilled about the opportunity of collaboration so I sent off some pictures of my graduate collection and this weekend I found the results in my inbox. I was speechless, as I'm sure you will be. Our styles really compliment each other, and without any direction from me, she has really captured the essence of the collection.

Please show your support by visiting her blog.

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