LK: We were up early on Friday morning to visit the American Express Skybox at Bryant Park for breakfast. I had no idea where this was and I was dying to see it. Nancy T met us in front and we were escorted through the tent and up some stairs to a lovely room where Project Runway fans were mingling with several of the designers from previous seasons. We all enjoyed delicious food and drinks.
Scar: It was fun to do something different, to arrive early before the crowd and to go into the venue before it is officially open. I was really honored to be included in this event. It looked like an intimate restaurant upstairs from the actual tent. The champagne was flowing and the chandelier was glowing.
Tbone: The Skybox was designed by Frank Carfaro and it was extremely, luxuriously dark. This was good beacuse it made me look and sound a lot cooler than I really am. Plus, there was free champagne!
LK: It was a thrill to visit with the American Express hosts and with the "superfans." These few had purchased tickets available only to American Express cardholders to view the show from above the tents.
Tbone: There were a couple of windows that the guests could use to look down on the runways, hidden from view inside the tents. I purposely looked for them from inside but never did figure out where they were. It was like being in the security room at a casino.
Scar: I was curious who these "superfans" would be. And I was equally curious about the designers invited to this event.
LK: Kara Janx, Elisa Jimenez, Jack Mackenroth, Kevin Christiana, Chris March, Steven Rosengard, Victorya Hong and Kit Pistol were all there mingling with the 24 lucky fans. I especially enjoyed meeting Brian - a banker from Connecticut who has watched every episode of every season and visits BPR every day but has never left a comment. (We love our lurkers!)
Tbone: I was thrilled once again to spend time with one of my all-time favorite PR designers Elisa Jimenez, whose love for I have well documented. She told me about her work as a costume designer on the Disney behemoth High School Musical 3 and how she spent her summer teaching art and fashion design in New Mexico.
Scar: Don't forget that Kara Janx was there along with 'Red' and her baby girl, Dylan. I noticed that a dad was in the Skybox along with his teenage daughter and her best friend. I asked the girls which of the designers they wanted to meet and they both responded enthusiastically that they wanted to meet Kit. After their photo op with Kit, I asked if they wanted to meet Jack and they nodded shyly. I later asked them who they wanted to win and they both liked Kenley Collins.
Tbone: Dylan was eating free yogurt from the Skybox bar while she was doted on by her loving parents. Kara mentioned that she is working on her second collection to show . I think her first (the decoy collection at the S2 finale) would have won if it had counted. Being a new parent can chew into the design time, though. "Tbone, she has absolutely turned my world upside down", she told me in her lovely Soutyh African lilt.
LK: I am certain that Tbone and The Scarlett could have stayed in the AmEx Skybox all morning but at about 8:50 I was anxious to get downstairs to my seat at the show. Nancy T watched the show from the Skybox.
Tbone: I definitely preferred the Skybox to the mad crush on the floor of the tent. Plus, there was free champagne! LK ruins all the fun.
Thank you American Express! We had a fabulous time.
Click here to listen to Steven Rosengard and Chris March.
Click here for our interview with Kara Janx.
Click here to listen to Kit Pistol and Victorya Hong.
Click here for our interview with Elisa Jimenez.
Click here for Nancy T's interview with Jack Mackenroth.
Click here for Kit Pistol.
Click here for more from Steven Rosengard and Kevin Christiana.
Are you interested in attending this event next season? Click here to sign up for "Entertainment Updates." Stay alert because this event sells out quickly!
Update: Our friend BostonSewer blogged about another American Express-sponsored fashion week event here.
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