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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Ohne Titel S/S 09

Ok, so I'm still a bit retarded when it comes to blogging and I haven't worked out how to make my photos larger without pixelating them (unless I upload HUGE ones) - help would be appreciated!? Anyways, seeing as though my last post on New York Fashion Week had pathetic little images, I've decided to concentrate this post on one designer...also because I'm not liking a lot of what has been strutting down the catwalks today. I have also included some candid backstage shots by Sonny Vandevelde, which in my opinion show off the clothes soooo much better than the Vogue/ shots.

I've always had a love affair with pleats, and these (which hark back to Lanvin A/W 2008) are contemporary and clean.Each piece is a strip of fabric bunched up and weaved together to create the organic shape, which bares resemblence to Sandra Backlund's work. The concept is great, but I don't think they managed to pull it off - it looks a bit bulky and unflattering...perhaps without the circular shapes on the top of the chest?! The rest of the collection is perfection in my eyes and if I was female, I would be a Ohne Titel girl.

Model Shannan Click

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