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Sunday, September 14, 2008

J.Lo Completes Triathlon On Injured Foot

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A mere two days after pulling out of the rigors of judging the Project Runway finale due to a "foot injury", Jennifer Lopez today made a miraculous recovery and finished her first ever triathlon in Malibu.

On Friday, Heidi Klum announced to a stunned crowd at Bryant Park that J.Lo had been scheduled to appear as the celebrity guest judge for the Season 5 Project Runway finale but had to cancel for podiatric reasons.

The Nautica Malibu Triathlon consists of a half-mile ocean swim, an 18 mile bike course and a 4 mile run. The Project Runway finale judging role involves getting in and out of a director's chair, sharing honest opinions about fashion design and having food delivered to you from the craft service table.

Ms. Lopez, who has been training for the event for months and had vowed to finish the event even if she had to "...crawl across that finish line" completed the race in 2 hours, 23 minutes and 38.8 seconds.

There was no word after the race as to who her pick was for the Project Runway finale.

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