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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Diane Kruger para El Corte Ingl�s

El Corte Ingl�s is a department store from Spain. They have affordable brands, such as Levi's, Tommy Hilfiger or Naf Naf, apart from others like Carolina Herrera or Calvin Klein. This year they are having outfits from Cibeles (Madrid Fashion Week -which starts today, by the way) to sell in the one which is in La Castellana in Madrid. Prices are starting at 500 euros. The thing is, despite I used to go there to buy my clothes when I was a child, I am not a fan of this store any more. However, I love the fact that they have chosen Diane Kruger for their autumn campaign. She is just fabulous.

El Corte Ingl�s es una cadena de grandes almacenes espa�ola. Tienen marcas asequibles, como Tommy Hilfiger o Levi's, adem�s de algunas un poco m�s caras, como Carolina Herrera o Calvin Klein. Este a�o en el de La Castellana (Madrid) vender�n los dise�os que pasen por Cibeles (la pasarela de Madrid). Los precios comienzan en 500 euros. A pesar de que de peque�a sol�a comprar la ropa all�, ahora no es que le tenga mucha afici�n, pero la campa�a de oto�o con Diane Kruger me ha conquistado.

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