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Sunday, April 25, 2010

"For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move".

Robert Louis Stevenson wrote the Treasure Island which was first published as a book in 1883. That is one of the books which influenced on me most during my childhood. I read that book many times and every time I'd find something new, interesting and exciting; a new reason to make me think about how special that book was. I took pleasure of reading Stevenson's convincing descriptions, even if by the time Stevenson was born pirates were only a legend, he managed to describe that way of life perfectly.

Life becomes more and more complicated while we are growing up and nothing is as perfect as it looks at first sight. You are disappointed with people. People are disappointed with you. Travel seems to be the answer to those grey days in which you need to block out from thinking. I am sharing with you my own Treasure Island.

"Por mi parte, no viajo para ir a ning�n lugar, si no para ir. Viajo por el hecho de viajar. El caso es moverse".

Robert Louis Stevenson escribi� la Isla del Tesoro, que fue publicada por primera vez como libro en 1883. Es uno de los libros que m�s influencia ejerci� sobre m� durante mi infancia. Le� ese libro varias veces y siempre encontraba algo nuevo, interesante y excitante, algo que me hacia darme cuenta de lo especial que ese libro era para m�. Las incre�bles descripciones de Stevenson me hac�an disfrutar de la lectura, a�n sabiendo que cuando Stevenson naci� los piratas no eran ya m�s que una leyenda, �l se las apa�� para describir ese estilo de vida con un realismo pasmoso.

La vida se complica a medida que nos hacemos mayores y nada es tan perfecto como parece a simple vista. La gente te decepciona. T� decepcionas a la gente. Viajar parece la �nica respuesta a esos d�as grises en los que necesitas abstraerte. Aqu� comparto con vosotros mi propia isla del tesoro.

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