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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Be Beautiful: My Space featuring Tiffany Lorde from Beauty is Diverse

Beauty is Diverse is a vibrant blog that celebrates the different elements of beauty. Whether you are a dark skinned sister, a red head with freckles, a blond with blue eyes and porcelain skin or a sultry brunette; there will be something for you on this blog. Tiffany Lorde started the blog last September with the aim of readdressing the balance of the images of women that are portrayed in the fashion media. I caught up with her to take five and find out where she writes her blog.

Describe the concept of your blog.
The concept of my blog, is to showcase the diversity of models, designers, photographers etc who work in the fashion industry. The industry spans from North America, to Europe, to Africa and China and people from every nation have contributed to Fashion in some way shape or form.

Where do you scribe?
I scribe at my desk which is a mini office in my condo.

Why that place?
I scribe at my desk because it's a very comfy section of my home and pretty much the only space I have to write comfortably.
What is on your desk at the moment?
Vogue, Arise, and Oprah magazine issues, my teddy bear from Belgium, a plaque of King Tut from the ROM, my writing note book, a pen, and my course workbooks for school.

What form of inspiration do you have on the wall ie photos, magazine cuttings or extracts?
I currently have a photo of designer, Rachel Roy and I - I met her at the Bay Dept Store, a photo with Ms J from America's Next Top Model and two of my friends which we met at Holts. A photo of Josephine Baker which I bought in Paris, and photos I cut out of Ubah Hassan from Arise Magazine.

Do you keep a tidy office or are you a messy worker?
I try to keep my desk space as neat as possible, but I will admit sometimes it gets messy if I'm really busy with homework.

You can read Tiffany's blog here.

You can follow her on Twitter here

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