I thought the economic crisis would bring something good. After all, when the human being has suffered any kind of crisis, it has always emerged a new, fresh, innovative social/cultural movement, normally led by the youth. What do we, the youngsters, have now? Nothing. Well, nothing new. I assumed we are the "we have it all" generation, so we don't bother to complain, there is no need. So sad.
Maybe that is why fashion lately has been a revision of the Twenties, Thirties, Fourties, Fifties, Sixties, Seventies, Eighties, Nineties, because we, the Noughties generation, have nothing to offer. Nothing to create. Just, nothing.
Maybe that is why fashion lately has been a revision of the Twenties, Thirties, Fourties, Fifties, Sixties, Seventies, Eighties, Nineties, because we, the Noughties generation, have nothing to offer. Nothing to create. Just, nothing.

Pens� que la crisis econ�mica traer�a algo bueno. Despu�s de todo, cuando el ser humano se ha enfrentado a cualquier tipo de crisis siempre ha surgido alg�n interesante movimiento social o cultural fresco e innovativo, normalmente abanderado por la juventud. Pero, �qu� tenemos nosotros, los j�venes de ahora, ahora? Nada. Bueno, nada nuevo. Somos la generaci�n de "lo tenemos todo", as� que no nos molestamos en quejarnos. No hay necesidad. Y es muy triste.
Puede que por eso la moda en los �ltimos a�os haya sido una revisi�n de los a�os '20, '30, '40, '50, '60, '70, '80, o incluso '90. Porque nosotros, la generaci�n del 2000, no tenemos nada que ofrecer, nada que crear. Simplemente, nada.
Puede que por eso la moda en los �ltimos a�os haya sido una revisi�n de los a�os '20, '30, '40, '50, '60, '70, '80, o incluso '90. Porque nosotros, la generaci�n del 2000, no tenemos nada que ofrecer, nada que crear. Simplemente, nada.
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