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Friday, November 13, 2009

You say you wanna a revolution...

I thought the economic crisis would bring something good. After all, when the human being has suffered any kind of crisis, it has always emerged a new, fresh, innovative social/cultural movement, normally led by the youth. What do we, the youngsters, have now? Nothing. Well, nothing new. I assumed we are the "we have it all" generation, so we don't bother to complain, there is no need. So sad.

Maybe that is why fashion lately has been a revision of the Twenties, Thirties, Fourties, Fifties, Sixties, Seventies, Eighties, Nineties, because we, the Noughties generation, have nothing to offer. Nothing to create. Just, nothing.

Pens� que la crisis econ�mica traer�a algo bueno. Despu�s de todo, cuando el ser humano se ha enfrentado a cualquier tipo de crisis siempre ha surgido alg�n interesante movimiento social o cultural fresco e innovativo, normalmente abanderado por la juventud. Pero, �qu� tenemos nosotros, los j�venes de ahora, ahora? Nada. Bueno, nada nuevo. Somos la generaci�n de "lo tenemos todo", as� que no nos molestamos en quejarnos. No hay necesidad. Y es muy triste.

Puede que por eso la moda en los �ltimos a�os haya sido una revisi�n de los a�os '20, '30, '40, '50, '60, '70, '80, o incluso '90. Porque nosotros, la generaci�n del 2000, no tenemos nada que ofrecer, nada que crear. Simplemente, nada.

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