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Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Consumerism. Every time I think I still pretend to live on writing about fashion, my thoughts are unavoidably link to these words: savage consumerism. 50 days to go until Christmas. And Oxford Street's lighting is inciting us to buy (mostly clothes in that street).

What is all this based on? Do we really need that latest garment to feel happy? Is actually the Western portrait of happiness?

Consumismo. Cada vez que pienso que a�n pretendo vivir de escribir sobre moda, mis pensamientos van inevitablemente unidos a esas palabras: consumismo salvaje. Quedan 50 d�as para Navidad, y el alumbrado navide�o de Oxford Street nos incita a comprar (sobre todo ropa en esa calle).

�Y en qu� se basa todo esto? �Realmente necesitamos tener lo �ltimo para ser felices? �Es este, en realidad, el vivo retrato de la felicidad Occidental?

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