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Sunday, November 8, 2009

Amanda's Take - Episode Twelve

Seriously - I can't believe we are at the end of yet another season of Project Runway!

How much fun was it to see more of the models this go-round? I really appreciate the decision to give us runway-walkers a voice. I couldn't be happier with the final three models! It speaks highly of the models this year that I couldn't tell who was from the show at the finale.. meaning.. they blended in with the other pros perfectly. In seasons past, there were the occasional models who you knew were from the show because they weren't necessarily up to par.

Can you imagine how it felt to walk in to the casting for the season 6 project runway finale and see these three beautiful young women sitting behind the casting table? Back in February in New York, I was thinking ... wow, these are some hot designers.. they could model in their own shows! I remember the runway Casting Director saying to the designers, "Amanda's great, she was on the show in season 3." And Carol Hannah said, "Wow, back for more?!" And then giggled! So cute. It was hard to keep it a secret! Two seasons in a row with a final three of all female designers!

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