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Sunday, October 17, 2010

To throw or not to throw, that's the question

How many times have you thought of getting rid of garments, but end up keeping them all to not have to choose? I have been putting off that moment for years. Exactly ten years. I first started going to buy clothes on my own when I was fourteen. Never throwing anything away. I was ready to change my summer wardrobe for the winter one, when I realized I don't have any room at all. And the selection has started. The most hilarious ones are posted on here. I wonder why I have kept many of these things over the years, I guess I was convinced "everything in fashion comes back". I couldn't help but feeling nostalgic. I perfectly remember when and how I bought most of the items I'm going to get rid of. But it's all about space. And in the end, after one year studying about fashion, I have learnt that what matters most is what were you doing when you wore this or that, not really what were you wearing. Memories is all that matters and most of mine are about the people and not about clothing. And I guess I should be grateful for that.

�Cu�ntas veces has pensado en librarte de prendas, pero al final acabas guard�ndolas por evitar el tedioso momento de la decisi�n? Yo he estado posponiendo ese momento durante a�os. Exactamente diez a�os. Comenc� a ir a comprar ropa sola, sin la imponente presencia de mi madre, cuando ten�a 14 a�os. Desde entonces no he tirado nada. Me hallaba yo cambiando el armario de verano al armario de invierno cuando me di cuenta que no tengo sitio ni para un calcet�n. Y la selecci�n ha comenzado, muy a mi pesar. He colgado una foto con las camisetas m�s divertidas de esas de las que me voy a deshacer. Me pregunto por qu� he guardado muchas de estas prendas durante tantos a�os, supongo que estaba convencida de que en la moda "todo vuelve". No pude evitar sentir cierta nostalgia. Recuerdo perfectamente cu�ndo y c�mo compr� la mayor�a de las prendas que no voy a volver a ver m�s. Pero hoy en d�a lo que cuenta es el espacio. Y al final, tras un a�o estudiando moda, he aprendido que lo que m�s importa es lo que estabas haciendo cuando te pusiste esto o lo otro, no lo que llevabas puesto. Los recuerdos es lo que importa y la mayor�a de los m�os los protagonizan personas y no trapos. Y supongo que deber�a estar agradecida por ello.


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