Maybe it's because of her hippy-esque style, maybe it's her eternal smile, but Margherita Missoni did not look like one of those girls who would name her first handbag collection after her rich, jobless friends. Does this make sense? I couldn't tell if it's a marketing strategy, but I would not -even if I'd like the bags, which I don't- buy any bag under the name of one of those IT girls who go from one party to the other without any motivation or occupation apart from looking cool. It was obvious she would be designing for Missoni at some point, but I honestly think this name issue was too risky. Nobody will take her seriously. How could we possibly do? Instead of a first collection for her respectable family brand seems a joke from a bunch of rich girls who, this week, happen to do bags. How disappointing.
The designs are extremely predictable. If I were Tatiana Santo Domingo I would be mad at her. Tats' is by far the ugliest.
Quiz�s fue su estilo hippy, o puede que haya sido esa sonrisa permanente, pero nunca sospech� que Margherita Missoni dedicar�a su primera colecci�n de bolsos a sus amigas IT. �Cre�is que tiene alg�n sentido? Porque a m� no me lo parece. No podr�a dilucidar si es una estrategia de marketing, pero s� tengo claro que yo no comprar�a -incluso si me gustasen los bolsos, que no es el caso- ning�n bolso que llevase el nombre de una de estas chicas que se dedican a vivir La Dolce Life entre NYC, Londres y Par�s, sin oficio y con el beneficio de sus papis, abuelos o dem�s familia. Era obvio que ella tarde o temprano iba a dise�ar para la famiglia, pero esto de los nombres se le ha ido de las manos. Nadie la tomar� en serio. �C�mo podr�an? En lugar de una respetable primera colecci�n esto parece la ocurrencia de una ni�a consentida a quien esta semana le dio por hacer bolsos. Lamentable.
Los dise�os son predecibles y aburridos. Si yo fuera Tatiana Santo Domingo estar�a cabreada con Margherita. El de ella es el m�s feo con mucho.
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