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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Top 5 Looks: 5th Place

BPR begins its countdown to the finale by rolling out the reader's choices of the Top 5 Looks from Season 7. Making the cut at #5 is Seth Aaron Henderson's design from Episode 10 "Hey, That's My Fabric".

One of our biggest complaints during the Lifetime era of Project Runway has been the lack of originality in the challenges. Season 7 has felt like an improvement and perhaps no episode exemplifies that better than this one. The seven remaining designers were presented with the unique opportunity to create their own print and use that as the basis for their design.
Here was a challenge that actually used the corporate sponsorship in a way that enhanced the design process! And yes, even though we had to endure Viviene Tam's scripted commercial in the workroom, the results on the runway were stunning.

Seth Aaron Henderson drew squares of pop art in an attempt to provoke a "British pop-punk" feel to his garment. Using the print on a tuxedo jacket with black satin lapels, he paired it with 1940's military style inspired pants and added a bright yellow tie. As was the case all season with Seth Aaron, this look was impeccably made and Valeria looked cool and chic as she walked this down the runway.

Congratulations Seth Aaron, you are in the BPR Top 5!

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