It's been some time since I've browsed the wonders of design site Yatzer, but within 30 seconds of scrolling this evening I have become mesmerised by the work of Polish artist Gregor Gaida. The most surprising thing about his work is that most of these almost photographic sculptures are carved from wood (and then combined with aluminium, polyester and acrylic resin)!
I can't even begin to imagine the effect these uncompromising, life-sized sculptures would have on me if I were to see them close-up, as even on screen they are breathtaking. There is a sense of familiarity with these figures, and although the viewer is drawn to striking poses there is a very dark element to them...which I find even more intriguing. Yatzer says it better than I can:
'Many of Gaida�s works combine positively charged components which in their sum and constellation, however, have a negative impact. The often aestheticised shape and the object-like character of his works in inconsistent with a narrative, waving between attraction and repulsion. Gaida has a special way to tell stories without spelling them out since merely the possibility of a story is suggested. And although he points out that the relationship he has with his own creations always remains a secret for the greater audience, he reveals that his inspiration often comes from every day, hard working people.'
These do not really relate to fashion, but the only way I can think of translating the feeling of these pieces into wearable garments is the poses which they hold - amazing for a photoshoot and the colouration of their skin which would look beautiful if worked into fabrics and 'looks'. I also love the textures. Even though the skin is smooth, the edges of the poly resin and the carved wood could be really interesting if worked into fabrics. Note to self - play with fabric manipulation!
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