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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Pink Snow

�It looks like Stevie Famulari of Fargo lives in Candy Land � her front yard, Queen Frostine�s frothy pink ice cream sea. But it�s not ice cream or cotton candy that billows over her boulevard at 620 10th Ave. Famulari�s front yard is piled with the same stuff that fills every other yard in town. Only her snow is pink. Famulari is an environmental artist and a landscape architecture professor at North Dakota State University. She changes the color of her snow with each new layer that falls. She plans to paint the next snowfall a purplish blue and the one after that will be black. She chose her colors to become darker as the season progresses. When the snow melts, she expects the older layers to be revealed.
Famulari is avoiding yellow, �for obvious reasons,� she said, and she�s avoiding green because lawns are green every other time of the year. Well, at least other peoples� lawns are green every other time of the year.
This is the first time Famulari has painted her snow, but her yard is always changing. Last year she painted her grass in a checkerboard pattern. The year before that, she sculpted crop circle patterns into her grass."

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