Describe the concept of eye4style.
eye4style was launched as a creative outlet almost four years ago. I cover shopping, fashion, beauty, spa and just a touch of personal style.
Where do you scribe?
I often blog from my office (shhh!), but evenings and weekends, I'm all about my couch as a comfy workspace.
Why that place?
Ideas tend to strike when I'm at the office and since I spend so many hours there, I love to get blog posts done and hopefully spend my post-work down time (it's precious!) with friends, my kitties or yes, even the TV when the work day is over.
What is on your couch at the moment?
Two silver throw pillows, a down throw (it's been very chilly in NYC lately!) and Violet, one of my cats.
What form of inspiration do you have on the wall?
What form of inspiration do you have on the wall?
I keep an inspiration board in my office that's absolutely covered with tear sheets from magazines, recent invitations, photos and even paint chips of colors that I love. My living room has a few amazing pieces of art that were painted for me by a friend.
Do you keep a tidy office or are you a messy worker?
Overall, I have to say, I'm relatively tidy. I rarely print anything, so that helps to keep paper clutter to a minimum (though the beauty products do tend to pile up).
You can read Dina's blog here.
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