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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My Space - Kwana Jackson from Kwana Writes..

Kwana Jackson has packed an awful lot into her life. A former fashion designer, she is now an author of women�s and young adult fiction. When she is not tending to her family which consist of hubby, twins and a dog, she is entertaining us on her popular blog Kwana Writes.. I caught up with her to find out exactly where she sits down to create her blog.

Describe the concept of Kwana Writes..
The tagline for Kwana Writes is: �about writing, life and knitting it all together�.  I chose that because I�m a writer working towards getting published and my main reason for the blog was to get my words and voice out for people to see. I choose life because it gave me a broad range of things to write about and being a Gemini I didn�t want to limit myself. And the �knitting it all together� part spoke to the knitter and creative person in me. I�m a former fashion designer, a wife and mother of teenage twins and also a knitter and like most women I�m constantly trying to find a way to seamlessly knit all the facets of my life together.

Where do you scribe?
I usually end of scribing on my laptop while sitting up in my bed.

Why that place?
I have tried for so long to create another workspace in our small house for myself from the basement to the kitchen breakfast nook which would work beautifully, but I find myself most comfortable and creative in the bedroom. My next project is to find a way to fit a desk and shelves into our small bedroom. My husband is not sure how I will make that happen, but I know I will. There is usually no stopping me once I get a bee in my bonnet. *grin*

What is on your bed at the moment?
My laptop, a Snuggie (it�s very chilly in my 1940�s home), my Blackberry and the remote control (yes, I like background noise).

What form of inspiration do you have on the wall ie photos, magazine cuttings or extracts?
I don�t have an inspiration board up on the wall, but I do make them for each book I write and have boxes of tear sheets that I collect. I usually keep them in a corner on my side of the bed. I also snap pics to have them on my Blackberry and keep my characters with me all the time.

Do you keep a tidy office or are you a messy worker?
Oh, messy for sure. It�s something I�m constantly working on. It must have something to do with the creative mind or at least that what I tell myself. I keep way too many books and magazines but you never know where inspiration will come from.

You can read Kwana's blog here.

Follow her on Twitter.

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