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Sunday, November 1, 2009

Letters From Poland

Photo of Warsaw at night courtesy of Bouguslaw Bielanski

Dear old Uncle Nick is getting hammered for his comment about Gordana's Episode 11 design where he said "It makes her look like an office worker in Warsaw, Poland". Reader Bouguslaw Bielanski writes in from Krakow:

Dear BPR, "office worker in Poland" was very ignorant of Mr. Nick Verreos. Please let Mr. Verreos know that he is welcome to visit Poland and learn some of the European heritage that will surely make his judgement more accurate.

Here's a sampling of comments from Nick's blog:

"You're hustling for KMart and you have the audacity to insult the Polish culture?"
"Do some research on Poland before you go on national television and offend an entire nation..."
"Being a Polish-American, I cannot believe you would say such an inconsiderate and ignorant comment..."

Recapper Ji Hyun Lee from the Examiner even went so far as to call the comment "racist".

What do you think, did Nick Verreos cross the line or does he get a pass for this regrettable quip?

ETA: Nick responds to his "Angry Polish Brethren"

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