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Friday, July 31, 2009

Look what I found

They cost $11.99 in True Swords. Kinda cute.

Be Coveted

We all know Jennine Tamm as that lovely lady who runs Independent Fashion Bloggers, the global social networking site for fashion bloggers. When she is not plugging away with IFB Jennine dons her other hat as editor of The Coveted. Described as a blog about style without compromise, The Coveted covers style, beauty, fashion culture, beauty trends, eco-beauty, vintage clothing and emerging designers. This delightful blog was launched in 2007 and it is regarded as one of the best fashion blogs around. The Coveted has been featured on Glamour, IQONs, Modepass, and Pronto. I decided it was time to catch up with Jennine and get the 411 on The Coveted.

What made you start blogging?
Oh, there really isn't a straight answer to this. I had been interested in blogs since about 2002 when I heard people were keeping 'diaries' online. I even tried starting an online diary, but my daily life really isn't that interesting. For about a year or two before I started my own blog I was going through a few things... One, I wanted to do something interesting with my life. I liked my job, but I didn't love it, and greedy me wanted a job I loved and felt fulfilled with. Two, I had developed a shopping addiction. Three, I loved reading blogs. I guess the combination of the three gave me a purpose, a subject and a passion so when The Coveted was born in 2007 I had the stamina to keep it going and to keep trying to improve it.

We know the concept behind The Coveted is about style, beauty, fashion, tell us about the team behind it and how you work. Well, last year, my best friend started posting with me about beauty. But her life got busy, so in November Sonja started posting. She's been really great, as she has a background in journalism, so she's done a great job of mixing the two disciplines. She posts about twice a week, and I post about twice a day about fashion related things, and inspiration points. I've actually never met Sonja in real life, but through working together these last 7 months, I feel like I have met her.

The Coveted is such a pretty blog, how did you come up with the look?
Thank you! Well, I was a graphic designer for 10 years, so I think some of my skills were used in the making of my blog identity. It really was an evolution really, from when The Coveted was on blogger, and I was figuring out the blog templates, and from there I kept tweaking. To tell the truth, I'm thinking of doing a site redesign, but I"m going to keep the logo, it took 2 years to come up with it. I mean, it took me that long to really feel good about my identity online, so the logo came out of reaching that point.

How do you think bloggers have made an impact on the media?
I'm not really sure yet. I can say from my own experience, that I fell in love with blogging because I loved the idea the author was so accessible. That when I got into a blog, it felt more personal than reading the newspaper, or flipping through a magazine. The blogger felt like a friend, that I could ask questions and would let me in on their own musings. Online media has really come a long way, and traditional media is beginning to operate with community in mind, but I don't know if they have really captured that personal touch that makes blogging so appealing.

What do you do when you are not working on your blog?
Watching movies, baking, riding my bike, reading, giggling over D-Listed and icanhascheeseburger.

Describe a typical day.
I wake up, take a shower, make coffee. By 10am I start to working, I get my posts finished by 12pm then I work on all the other things that revolve around my sites, usually that will go until 7pm and then I go for a walk with my husband, then we make dinner. I finish up my work, or dilly dally about online for a bit, then I watch some TV or read a book. It's all kind of boring really.

Name your top fashion icons.
I'm really loving Tilda Swindon these days, she just impresses me so much! Also Lara Stone, Bjork, Patti Smith, Catherine Denueve, Grace Jones, Marchesa Luisa Casati... wow, I have an eclectic mix here.

Name five blogs that you read religiously.
Other than the two in #5? Heh, well, let's see I read my RSS feed every day, and there's over 300 blogs in there, not all fashion of course... and I don't read them all every day, and they don't all post every day. Thank god. At one point I had something like 703 blogs in my reader, that makes me cry every time I remember that.

Here are the ones I read just so I know I'm not missing anything. A Shaded View on Fashion, Style Bubble,, The Business of Fashion, Problogger.

How do you see The Coveted evolving over the next two years?
You know, I'm not really sure about that. One thing I can say, is that it'll always be a work in progress.


2 photos from yesterday

Mona Lisa Art

3,604 cups of coffee that had been made into a giant Mona Lisa.

last working day

Today was my last working day. Wow.

dress - Zara; blazer - Hanjiro (Tokyo); booties - H&M; bag - Vero Moda;

I'm going to start my bachelor studies in September, this will be a whole new life for me. I've been working in a big bank for 6 years now and I find it unbelievably relieving to be escaping the "adult world".

I liked my job and my colleagues and of course I loved getting a paycheck every month but I am so excited to live a student life surrounded by people my age who want to have fun, go on adventures and simply enjoy life. This is an aspect that is often forgotten in the "adult world" of working =P People are so focused on their work, their career and goals that they forget to have fun.

So now I am really looking forward to what lies ahead of me, I'm thrilled and also a little scared but it's going to be great.

Before the semester starts in September I'm going be relaxing at home for 6 weeks. I will use this time for some personal projects like getting a tan, cleaning out my wardrobe, changing the layout/design of my blog, paint my wall, wearing all the unworn clothes in my closet, go swimming at least twice a week, learning to play my guitar properly, setting up an online store to sell some things, reading all of the 6 books I bought...haha I guess I'm lucky if I even manage to do half of the things I just listed =P.


Yes, these days I feeling just like the girl on that photo, or like I'm falling in some bag!
first photo courtesy of Couture Carrie

I just come back to say Thank you to all my dear Fellow Fashionistas for all support (I'll be back a very soon!), and to posting one new offer for Brands, Boutiques and all concerned.

Advertise on:

London Fashion Trends

Fashion Pulse &

Absolutely Fabulous

FM Offers:

Now, you can advertise on London Fashion Trends, Fashion Pulse & Absolutely Fabulous blogs.

You can see the space for your Ad at the Side bar.


Duration: 1 Month
Banner Size: 200x90 pixels (Horizontal)
Price: $
50 (per month, by one blog you choose) or $120 (per month, for Ad on all three blogs)
: Additional 30 character text line underneath your banner

Contact me or if you have any extra questions, feel free to send me an email at

Project Runway Australia - Season 2 - Episode 4

Click here to continue.

Click here for the recap from Reality Ravings.

Thanks Emma!

From The Mailbox

Project Runway Season Five designer Blayne Walsh designed the hoodies worn by the Swedish Band, "The Sounds" worn on the "No Doubt" tour.

Project Runway Season Five Winner Leanne Marshall is being honored by her alma mater, FIDM. Click here to read about the her exhibition as part of "The Outstanding Art of Television Costume Design."

Click here to read Beth Terry's post about Lunch and a "Style Consultation" with Tim Gunn.

Click here to read about Nick Verreos and Kit Pistol at the "Style LA Swim and Resort Show."

Click here for a Newsweek interview with Heidi Klum, Tim Gunn and Michael Kors. Here is a highlight:

Have any of you gotten into a fight with Isaac Mizrahi?
Gunn: No. I'm not a fistfighter. I'm a biter and a hair puller.


material girl

I only discovered this magical magazine by coincidence at a small kiosk yesterday. It's like a German (well actually it's Austrian =P) version of Lula - very girly and romantic, playful and feminine.

I'm going to take a closer look at the magazine today and maybe take some pictures for you - it's lovely, really. You can see a preview of the magazine on the website. I might even get a subscription so I don't have to hunt the mag down everytime =P.

Little Break, Big Difference: Paris

Last weekend I was lucky enough to be invited to join a select group of UK bloggers on an all expenses paid trip to Paris! I know, amazing huh...I had my reservations, but when the taxi promptly arrived on the morning of our trip all doubts were dashed (either that or I was still bleary-eyed from the 4.30am start, and didn't really care where this taxi was taking me!).

Here we all are, looking rather stylish in the glaring Parisian sun. Do you recognise anyone? The wonderful bloggers on the trip included Frassy, Kit from StyleSlicker, Selina from Flying Saucer, Vanessa Jackman, Amna from DiscoNap, DisneyRollerGirl and Claire from YoungShields, to name but a few.

Colette was the first stop-off, and I was planning on taking some amazingly inspirational photos for both the blog and work, however after almost getting wrestled to the ground by a pack of hungry sales assistants, I decided it was better to leave my camera in the bag! This shop is brilliant (although not quite as good as London's own 'concept store', Dover Street Market) and I finally managed to get up close and personal with some shit-hot Gareth Pugh tailoring. Perfection I tell thee.

We had a beautiful three course meal in a swanky restaurant called B4 (which happened to be situated in the gay area of Paris, with rather handsome waiters!), and a presentation from the beautiful Marion Cointot. She presented to us her first collection, and allowed me to get an insight into just how you go about creating (and getting produced) that all important first collection. Her dresses are beautifully wearable and well made, with brilliant research to back her up - I'll look forward to seeing her succeed.

Unfortunately our lunch was typically French, and lasted almost 2 1/2 hours. I was loving the conversation and the flowing champagne, however this meant that our guided tour of the Madeleine Vionnet exhibition at Les Arts Decoratifs was cut drastically short. This is a truly stunning exhibition from an equally amazing talent. We were assured that this is a one-off exhibition that will not be seen again for another 20 years, so it is definitely well worth a visit. Rather shamefully though, when presented with the option to stay and ponder the delights of Vionnet, or continue onto a champagne 'tasting' boat cruise I chose to hit the booze. I shall be making an extra special effort to go back to Paris (and take full advantage of the 59pound return from Eurostar) and return to this exhibition before it closes at the end of January 2010.

As I mentioned the rest of the afternoon was spent cruising the river Seine, champagne in one hand, cigarette in the other, with not a care in the world. It was such an amazing day, and I would like to thank the team at We are Social for organising the trip, and to Eurostar for paying!

You can see more photos from the trip HERE. Also, visi tHERE for more information on the 59pounds return Eurostar ticket.

berlin: touristy

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Heidi Klum on The Tonight Show With Conan O'Brien

Heidi doesn't provide us with too much information about Project Runway, but she sure is adorable!

She did mention that the All-Star competition is just one single challenge.

berlin: linen boy

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

In Love with Melissa Adanna Flats

Fall Winter 09 Collection - White Line: Adanna

The newest flattie from Melissa - Adanna! Who could resist its velvety body and cute little silver button? You can order a pair for USD $79.00. (The purple one goes straight to my wishlist!)

Project Runway: All-Star Challenge Photos has posted some photos from the Project Runway All-Star Challenge. Click here for more!

Coffee Cup Art

Cheeming Boey creates small pieces of art by sketching on foam coffee cups! His friends told him they would never sell, but that was before Marion Meyer saw them.

�I personally liked them,� says the former president of the Laguna Beach Art Walk. �And that�s how I select artists. When I connect to the energy and passion someone creates in their art, that�s when I like it.�

Meyer invited Boey to display his cups at her gallery during the monthly Art Walk. They sell for $120 to $220.

Artist�s site

HELSINKI - wunder webshop launch party & misfits, redrum, 07/23-24/09

mid-week shopping spree