Last night while I was reading the supplement of the April issue of Vogue Spain, I got to think about "it-bags". How fast and quietly they have disappeared! Probably they are waiting their time to come back or maybe they are gone forever. Who knows. That's what I like most about fashion. You can't predict what's going to happen next (at least if you are not Miuccia). But you can see what's going on at the moment. It is likely that due to the recession (I hate that word, trust me) magazines are focusing on basic garments and shoes. Now it's all about the shoes! I've never been a "it-bag-girl", I am more in the shoes side, and well, this is fantastic!

La otra noche, mientras le�a el especial Complementos del n�mero de abril de Vogue Espa�a comenc� a pensar en los famos�simos "it-bags". �Qu� r�pido y qu� silenciosamente han desaparecido! Probablemente est�n esperando su momento para volver o quiz�s se han ido para siempre. Qui�n sabe. Eso es lo que m�s me gusta de la moda, que no puedes predecir que pasar� (a menos que te llames Miuccia). Pero s� que puedes ver qu� est� pasando ahora. Puede que por la recesi�n (creedme, yo tambi�n odio esa palabra) las revistas se est�n centrando en prendas b�sicas, no est�n arriesgando nada, y lo �nico imaginativo que presenten est� ah� abajo, en los pies. Yo nunca he sido una chica de "it-bags", estoy m�s del lado de los zapatos, y bueno, obviamente �esto me parece maravilloso!

We all are invited to the funeral of the it bags:
Spy bag, Stam bag, Paddington, Babe, Roxanne... it doesn't matter the name, they are all over. Is it the mass media fault?

Todos estamos invitados al funeral de los "it-bags", da igual que se llamen Stam, que Spy que Paddington que Roxanne... est�n muertos. Todos. �Ser� por culpa de los medios?
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