This book is a must-read for anyone who loves culture. Not only for those who love fashion, but also everybody who is interested in art. Coco Chanel was friends with almost every important artist in Paris during the Twenties and Thirties: Picasso, Cocteau, B�rard, Apollinaire, and one of her best friends, Misia Sert, was a muse for many of them.
Coco's life is so interesting, she was born in 1883, and she was raised in an orphanage. At the tender age of 17 she started working at the cabaret. She was not really successful, and in 1913 she opened her first boutique. From then on you all know what happened. She is likely the most successful designer in history, and in spite of that, she was never happy. A dramatic life, marked by her sentimental failures and the terrible loneliness she suffered.
I strongly recommend you this book, not only because it is very easy to read despite its almost-400-pages, but especially because of the illustrations.
Coco's life is so interesting, she was born in 1883, and she was raised in an orphanage. At the tender age of 17 she started working at the cabaret. She was not really successful, and in 1913 she opened her first boutique. From then on you all know what happened. She is likely the most successful designer in history, and in spite of that, she was never happy. A dramatic life, marked by her sentimental failures and the terrible loneliness she suffered.
I strongly recommend you this book, not only because it is very easy to read despite its almost-400-pages, but especially because of the illustrations.
Este libro es una lectura obligada para cualquier persona que ame la cultura. No solo para los que adoran la moda, si no muy especialmente para aquellos que aman el arte. Coco era amiga de todos los artistas importantes que vivieron en Par�s durante los a�os '20 y '30 del siglo pasado: Picasso, Cocteau, B�rard, Apollinaire, incluso una de sus grandes amigas, Misia Sert, fue musa para muchos de ellos.
La vida de Coco es muy interesante. Naci� en 1883 y creci� en un orfanato. A la temprana edad de 17 a�os debut� en el mundo del cabaret, sin alcanzar ni reconocimiento ni la fama que ella buscaba. En 1913 abri� su primera boutique, en la que vend�a sombreros. Desde ah� ya todos conoc�is qu� pas�. Es probablemente la dise�adora m�s universal de la historia, y a pesar de eso, nunca fue feliz. Coco tuvo una vida dram�tica, marcada por sus fracasos sentimentales y por la terrible soledad que sufr�a.
Realmente os recomiendo este libro, no solo porque es muy f�cil de leer -a pesar de sus casi 400 p�ginas-, si no tambi�n por las fant�sticas fotograf�as de Coco que incluye.
Realmente os recomiendo este libro, no solo porque es muy f�cil de leer -a pesar de sus casi 400 p�ginas-, si no tambi�n por las fant�sticas fotograf�as de Coco que incluye.
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