Amanda Fields offers her look at the models in episode three - thanks Amanda!
My take is a little late this week because I have my wonderful sister in town! We have been busy shopping and going to parties and even going to see Mamma Mia!
Is it me or has every episode this season been a re-working of an old one?
I am not saying they are exactly the same, but the first one was! The second one was a "green themed" episode, and in season 2 they used plants. In the third episode the designers took photos of New York and made a garment that was inspired by the photograph. It was still fun to watch, but this is just like the Inspiration challenge in season 2!
But the models worked it out!
I knew Suede would stay with Tia, and therefore making Alyssa be out. But then she was back in! Who was it that had to drop out of the competition? It is sad to say that I don't remember who was the missing girl. I know they said her name and all, but I'm saying she didn't leave an impression.
[Editor's note - click here to see Runa.]
You know I love Shannone and Kendall! Karalyn has a sweet presence on the runway. And Nicole WORKED that pose behind the scrim before she walked out in that green gown! Shannone wearing Kenley Collins - I still say it - is my dream team! Xaviera was workin' it this week too!!
One thing I have to say - there aren't any models this season that are stinkin' up the runway. Sure, I have my favorites and I know what I want to see from them, but there isn't a girl that walks and I say..."what is she doing!!?"
I also wish there was a red head. ;)
Love ya!

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