The iconic British supermodel, Kate Moss, will be the main atraction in the Nereid Gallery of the British Museum from the next 4th of October, till the 25th of January. The gold sculpture, created by Londoner artist Marc Quinn, weights 50 kg and it is said to be the largest gold statue to be made in the world since the time of Ancient Egypt. Quinn said he has chosen Moss as the subject of the sculpture only because "I thought the next thing to do would be to make a sculpture of the person who�s the ideal beauty of the moment.�
In the same gallery there will be other statues such as Crouching Venus, a Hellenistic model of Venus surprised while bathing.
Quinn�s latest work, which shows Moss in a yoga pose, is part of a collection, entitled Statuephilia, by contemporary artists going on display at the British Museum.
In the same gallery there will be other statues such as Crouching Venus, a Hellenistic model of Venus surprised while bathing.
Quinn�s latest work, which shows Moss in a yoga pose, is part of a collection, entitled Statuephilia, by contemporary artists going on display at the British Museum.
La ic�nica supermodelo Kate Moss ser� la principal atracci�n de la Galer�a Nereid, en el British Museum de Londres. La exposici�n comenzar� el pr�ximo 4 de octubre y se prolongar� hasta el 25 de enero. Hacia diez a�os que el British no acog�a una exposici�n de arte contempor�neo. La escultura, hecha de oro en su totalidad, pesa 50 kg. y cost� dos millones de euros. Fue realizada por el artista londinense Marc Quinn. Est� considerada la estatua de oro m�s grande del mundo desde el Antiguo Egipto. Quinn dijo que eligi� a Kate Moss "porque quer�a a alguien que representase el ideal de belleza del momento". En la misma galer�a habr� otras estatuas de estilo helen�stico.
Uno de los �ltimos trabajos de Quinn, que muestra a la modelo en una posici�n t�pica del yoga, formar� parte de la colecci�n, llamada Estatuafilia, y que estar� compuesta por piezas de artistas contempor�neos.
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