May 1968. Be realistic, ask what's impossible. Paris became a symbol of revolution. Youth didn't resign themselves any more. They protested against the system and how society was organised. At first only students went on strike, but suddenly Paris became the scenario of huge strikes which were spreading around Europe, while in USA the demonstrations against Vietnam war continued.
Paris, May 1968
Paris, May 1968
Mayo de 1968. S� realista, pide lo imposible. Paris se convirti� en un s�mbolo de revoluci�n. La juventud dej� de resignarse. Al principio fueron simples protestas estudiantiles, pero finalmente se acabaron extendiendo por Europa, mientras que en EEUU segu�an protestando contra la guerra de Vietnam.
by Magnum
Prague Spring, 1968 - picture by Josef Koudelka (Magnum)
(Song in Spanish):
I've always had a little warrior inside of me and I feel really powerless when facing injustices. Forty years after May 1968 you could say their fighters are comfortably sit on offices and earning a lot of money, but at least, they can say that the fought. And in part, we must be grateful because they changed our lives too.
Siempre he tenido un peque�o guerrero dentro de m� y realmente me siento impotente cuando me enfrento con injusticias. Cuarenta a�os tras Mayo 1968 podr�amos decir que aquellos "luchadores" est�n sentados c�modamente en sus oficinas y ganando un mont�n de dinero, pero por lo menos, ellos pueden decir que han luchado. Y en parte, debemos estarles agradecidos porque ellos han cambiado nuestras vidas tambi�n.
I wish our generation, which did nothing until now, doesn't appear in history only like drug-lovers addicted to internet. Remember, we are young and our obligation is fighting for that we believe in. If we don't do it now, then when?
Ojal� que nuestra generaci�n, que no ha hecho nada hasta ahora, no aparezca en la historia solo como amantes de las drogas adictos a internet. Recuerda, somos j�venes y nuestra obligaci�n es luchar por aquello en lo que creemos. Si no lo hacemos ahora, �entonces, cu�ndo?
Amy Winehouse alleged to be sniffing some drugs
Amy Winehouse alleged to be sniffing some drugs
Amy Winehouse presuntamente esnifando algunas drogas
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